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Buy crystals, gemstones, rocks and shells. Healing crystals and gemstones for your home and general wellbeing. All stones are natural and vary in colours and sizes. Choose your favourites from tumble stones and rough cut rocks. Gemstone is a a beautiful, usually hard mineral, also called a semi-precious stone. Crystal is a solid substance in which atoms, molecules and ions are arranged in a repeating pattern.


Crystals are classified as minerals, but not all minerals are crystals. The crystal structure is an infinite repeating pattern of identical structural units, a solid substance in which atoms, molecules and ions are arranged in a repeating pattern. Each crystal in a family group has its own vibration. Different colour crystals vibrate in a frequency of chakra colours, creating a harmonic resonance. They absorb, store and send out energy. Single point  is made by breaking down a family cluster.


As each stone has a different vibration they connect to different colours and musical notes. As crystals work on subconscious level, they can be interpreted in different ways and as such can be quoted differently in texts and books. The qualities and energies of different stones can be related to one of the four metaphysical elements. These are earth, fire, air and water. These are forms of life force energies and can heal on different levels.

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